Thursday, December 9, 2010

Introduction to Africa

African culture is incredibly interesting because it is very diverse. Every African country is a mix of tribes each with their own language and culture. Some countries as small as Uganda have more than 30 tribes. The vast continent of Africa is very rich and diverse in its culture with it not only changing from one country to another but within an individual country many different cultures can be found as well.

Much of Africa's cultural activity focuses on the family and the ethnic group. Art, music, dance, festival and events and oral literature serve to reinforce existing religious and social patterns. The Westernized minority, influenced by European culture and Christianity, first rejected African traditional culture, but with the rise of African nationalism, a cultural revival occurred. The governments of most African nations foster national dance and music groups, museums, and to a lesser degree, artists and writers.
Till today, the vast majority of its inhabitants are of indigenous origin. People across the continent are remarkably diverse. They speak a vast number of different languages, practice hundreds of different religions, live in a variety of types of dwellings, and engage in a wide range of economic activities.

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